Query: announcement found 465 results
4th Sep 2021
Over the last week or two, we've had a few of our players report rubber banding issues when connected to the game. Based on our investigations to date, this seems to be some sort of transient issue that is likely a poorly performing peer/segment somewhere on the internet.
Unfortunately it has yet to affect any staff, so it is difficult to troubleshoot further. However, here are some suggestions we have for those that are affected:
- Try using a VPN. Other users have reported good results using the free Avast VPN trial. We do not endorse any particular product in this regard.
- Try tethering to your phone ("hotspotting")
- Ensure you are not using any third party tools that interact with the client
A VPN or mobile hotspot will generally result in your connection using a different 'route' to the server. Think of it as taking an empty back road instead of a busy highway to get to your destination.
Unfortunately there isn't much else we can suggest at this time, and it seems the issue is largely out of our control. We'll continue to monitor it however, and offer any further insight as it comes.
4th Sep 2021
We believe we have finally squashed the outlying performance bug that was forcing us to restart every 6 hours. As such, we will be returning to our usual restart at 5am US EST/9am UTC.
As a result, this next restart will take slightly longer than usual. We apologise for this, however rest assured that after this, we expect smooth sailing.
Thanks for your patience during this bumpy few weeks!
4th Sep 2021
We are back online. Have fun, go play!
4th Sep 2021
We will remain offline during our next maintenance window (9am UTC Friday 3rd September) while we complete migration to one of our host's alternative data centers. During this time, all of our services will be unavailable.
This is due to our current datacentre experiencing some ongoing issues which are intermittently affecting our services. Rather than wait for them to be resolved by our host, we will instead work around the issues by moving to a different physical location/datacentre within their network.
Rather than provide an estimate, we'll update you on the progress of the change via Discord during the migration window. Thanks, as always, for your patience.
4th Sep 2021
We are back online. We will be monitoring closely, however please note that if the issue that caused us problems earlier returns, we may have to go offline again at short notice.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
-- The Team
4th Sep 2021
The server is back online.
4th Sep 2021
Go play!
4th Sep 2021
The maintenance is complete, nice and early. Why are you reading this?! Go play!
4th Sep 2021
Just a reminder from the article posted last week: https://legendsofultima.online/news/server-is-up-again-1
Any characters, items, and houses that were left behind in Celador are no longer accessible.
If you have any characters stuck in Limbo/Inbetween from the transition and have trouble progressing through the black portal, please send a help request and make sure your contact info (use /contactinfo command) is up to date so we can contact you if no one is available to help immediately.
4th Sep 2021
"The Britain Royal Guard is seeking mercenaries willing to investigate three different suspected Dens of Evil. Our trackers have given us approximate areas for these Dens and they appear to be bound together with an unknown magic. We have sent many brave mercenaries to each already, but no matter how many times they cleanse these ritual sites.. they return. This is unlike anything we have seen before..."
First Tracked Location: https://imgur.com/XjZOegH
Second Tracked Location: https://imgur.com/S5nmsg4
Third Tracked Location: https://imgur.com/Ipmfexc
4th Sep 2021
We'll remain offline for now while we work to solve this latest batch of issues. No ETA at this time.
4th Sep 2021
Public Service Announcement
- Please try not to abandon your pets, you will lose them if you do. They stay in the world if you log out if you don't stable them. Over time your pet will start to wander, looking for you, eventually releasing you from their control. <potential herding opportunity here?>
Changes from last 24 hours:
- Issue with not being able to steal from a stacked object resolved (requires another server reboot, sorry)
- Improvements to Trading, let us know if the trade acceptance issue proceeds or not
- Removed the ability to gain skills from scroll spell-casts
- Removed use-case options from runes
- UI/Window performance improvements, including reducing the amount of UI/window refreshes, you may notice a slight delay between window updates because of this, and even possibly a performance improvement
- Warg pets removed, we did not intend to spawn those in at this time and they are forcibly removed
- Removed Vendor Buy/Sell confirmation window popup
Changes from earlier:
- Moved Torch over to torch equipment slot instead of right-hand, does not affect old torches
- Treasure hunting temporarily disabled; working on setting up the locations still
- Pet AI issues resolved, was causing pets to not attack and maybe other things too
- Stablemaster minimum-range to check for pets reduced to improve pet summoning
- Added pet position validation when using 'follow' commands to assist with getting pets un-stuck while we work to improve the root cause
- Horses set to 0 taming difficulty, does not affect old horses
- Added some missing interruptions to Mining/Lumberjacking/Fishing to prevent performing other tasks while harvesting
- Resolved issue with bladed weapon target actions not checking for distance
- Fixed issue with trying to use food in places where it was inaccessible saying "you feel more refreshed" while also saying "you can't access that"
- Fixed issue with sometimes getting a backpack from corpses
- Fixed issue with trying to open corpses failing and not showing a container window
- Added notification and system message when being murdered to guide players to Reputation window to report the murders if desired
4th Sep 2021
This evening we will be coming down for daily maintenance 15 minutes ahead of schedule. We will return to service at 5am US EST/9am UTC.
After this maintenance period, the server will restart once every 6 hours. We apologise for this, however it is a necessary step in order to ensure performance based on a very large increase in player count (thank you!) and a bug that we hope to resolve in the coming week. However, the restarts will now take 5 minutes instead of the 15+ that was the case previously.
You can check how long is left until the next restart by typing /nextrestart or /nextreboot in game. In this way, you can still plan your power hours etc. We will return to daily restarts as soon as we can.
Thank you, as always, for your patience.
4th Sep 2021
During the usual 9am UTC/5am US EST maintenance window, we will remain offline for up to 2 hours while we do additional maintenance work. We apologise for this, however it is the first in a series of steps to minimise downtime, crashing and restarts, and we feel it's important enough to do this on the weekend while we have multiple staff members available to support that activity.
If all goes well, we will complete the work in a much shorter timeframe than 2 hours. Keep an eye on #news for notification on how we are travelling.
Thank you, as always, for your patience.
4th Sep 2021
We'll remain offline for up to an hour during the next restart window (type /nextrestart to see when that is.) to run some additional maintenance tasks. Thank you for your patience, as always.
4th Sep 2021
Please help us welcome our newest teammate, Sol. Sol is currently training to be a Counselor and will soon be on the front lines helping players out when possible. Welcome to the team Sol! For those of you curious about what Counselors do, please see: https://forums.legendsofultima.online/d/45-about-the-counselor-role
4th Sep 2021
We'll be doing a quick restart in about 30 minutes for maintenance. No downtime is expected.
4th Sep 2021
Restart has been completed. Thanks for your patience!
4th Sep 2021
The server is temporarily offline due to an outage with the hosting provider. It was unexpected to have any downtime associated with this maintenance, but something has come up unexpectedly, so we appreciate your patience. We are monitoring the situation and will alert you as soon as the server is coming back online, or we know something further. <3
4th Sep 2021
As you're all probably aware, the server is offline right now. We've identified a critical issue that must be resolved prior to us bringing it back online. At this time we cannot offer an ETA, however know that we're all working on it to get things going again ASAP.
Keep an eye out for further announcements here in #news. Sorry for the delay in the release of this notification.
4th Sep 2021
We are back online. Please note, direct connections will no longer work. Connect by selecting our server on the community server screen. Thanks for your patience, as always.
4th Sep 2021
We are back online in the alternative datacenter. Please note that we had to rollback to approx. 25 minutes before our normal shutdown time to preserve data integrity. This was due to the small blerp which happened around that time earlier today.
Apologies for that inconvenience, and thank you as always for your patience.
4th Sep 2021
Despise is temporarily closed. Cora and The Piper had an argument and made a real mess in there. It's currently undergoing a deep clean and will be available again shortly. I'd still wear a mask though.
4th Sep 2021
- After the next scheduled restart, the game will remain offline until the housing launch time of 10AM US Eastern/2pm UTC
- Further information on housing is available on our wiki here: https://wiki.legendsofultima.online/en/housing
- Cost, plot size, lockdowns etc will be available to you once you purchase a housing tool
- The final list of available launch houses may not 100% reflect what is shown on the wiki. We'll advise further with the launch announcement
- The area north of the town of Minoc is now available to players. This will also be one of the regions where you'll be able to place a house, as per the wiki article
4th Sep 2021
It's time! Housing will be launched at 10am US Eastern Time/2pm UTC on Saturday 24th July. Some notes for you all:
- To build a house, you'll need to visit an architect and purchase a house placement tool. These will be available at the mentioned time and not before
- Both gold and legacy tokens can be used to contribute towards the cost of a house
- Pricing for houses can be seen once you purchase a house placement tool
- We will work towards having previews of each house available on the wiki in the next few days
- Valid areas for house placement are generally flat, green grass. Use your minimap to check these more accurately
- Please note that housing will NOT be available in Britain and Minoc/Cove to begin with. This is to ensure we can maintain an acceptable level of performance in the short term. We will give advance warning prior to these regions opening up for housing
- Within the next 48 hours, we will also launch an additional region north of Minoc. This will add a significant amount of extra housing space
- In total, you will have three regions to choose from in which to initially place a house - Yew, Wind and "North Minoc". Below is a link to an artist's impression of these regions to assist you:
Additional features:
- Guilds will be available, via purchase and placement of a guildstone at a house
- Housing vendors will also be available
Thanks for bearing with us while we worked against everything that's got in our way since launch. We would have liked to have housing kicked off sooner, however unfortunately it wasn't meant to be.
Happy house hunting!
4th Sep 2021
The rules page has been moved from the old wiki to the LOU website at https://legendsofultima.online/about/rules
βββββββSome changes were made so please make sure you read the page and familiarize yourself with the rules, as they go into effect immediately.
Thanks for your understanding and for playing fair.
4th Sep 2021
- There's a known issue with some objects not being able to be unpacked in houses such as, but not limited to: cauldron
- There's a known issue with some objects being able to be placed outside of the house foundation/walls, or in the yard
Warning: It is not intended to be able to place objects outside of the foundation/walls of your house. If you have objects placed out of bounds they may be subject to adjustments to make them in-bounds, or in some cases removed if they are blocking pathways. The small front yards are intended only for vendors or a guildstone.
Reminder: the Small Workshop and Large Patio houses are temporarily disabled for fixing, and we will try to make them available ASAP
4th Sep 2021
We are extremely pleased to welcome a new member to our team. Congratulations beekel!
beekel will be joining us as a Counselor, and behind the scenes, has already contributed greatly to our project in terms of the wiki, the related wiki bot and of course the interactive map.
He is also contributing in the form of custom music, which we hope to have in game very soon!
Please make him feel welcome.