• Nether Vortexes now take 2 control slots instead of 3
  • Faction guards mistakenly cost 3000 silver and have been corrected to 2000
  • Other random bugs with Factions and Summoning have been squashed
  • Faction players may have more than one character in a faction per IP- as long as it's the same faction (in preparation for faction crafting)
  • Wisp summon AIs have been improved more (they will buff/heal themselves too)

3 Year Veteran Rewards Added

  • Three new ethereal Ostard mounts have been added to the veteran rewards.
  • Six blessed death shrouds varying in color have been added (these can be dyed but you will not be able to get back the original color)
  • Hitching post (account bound) This can be placed in your house. It allows you to stable your pets freely and unstable a pet once per hour.
  • Resurrection Ankh (account bound) This can be placed in your house. It allows you to resurrect once per hour and must be charged with resurrection scrolls.
  • Pictures of each new veteran reward will be posted in discord
  • Look out for a rare Ostard mount roaming the lands. This must be tamed but it can be mounted by anyone.
  • Fixed issue with single-use dyes like the Halloween Hair dyes not working
  • Fixed issues with some house decorations not being placeable like the Fishing Racks and Barrel Trophy Stand (if you run into other decorations that can't be placed please let us know, we'll try to get to all of them if there are others)

When a faction owns a town, they may now spend town stone silver to purchase a faction guard, which will protect the stone against opposing factions.

  • Wisp Summon AIs have once again been improved (they will not override an already existing bless and will attempt to affect targets most in need of their services)
  • Faction stones will begin accurately displaying which faction controls a town- the effect will not be immediate, but will fix itself as folks capture towns.
  • Faction thieves who steal the sigil from a town stone (or another faction's faction stone) will be awarded 1000 silver for themselves when a town is successfully captured.
  • Faction Stones now show time until capture once depositing a sigil
  • You can now transfer Faction Silver to another faction member by saying "/transfersilver XXX" where XXX is the amount you wish to transfer
  • Forest Ostard has been added to the Faction Store
  • Crystal Wisp Summon's healing AI has been improved
  • Stone Gargoyle Summon now generates more threat

If you have a Halloween Mask that still equips to the "Head" slot preventing you from wearing armor on your head simultaneously, you may now talk to the Candy Vendor to get it fixed.

The following bugs have been fixed, some potentially pending restart:

  • Remaining halloween masks not using the mask slot should be masks on a relog
  • Faction War Horses now correctly take 1 pet slot and are transferrable
  • Clothing being accidentally undyed after stealing the faction town sigil should no longer be an issue
  • Faction timers have been set to their proper times- no longer the one hour testing timer
  • Poison Elemental summons now take 4 pet slots

Fixed an issue causing the invasion spawn to over-spawn after a server crash

The Headless Horseman Boss from town invasions:

  • is now exempt from Group Loot (automatic loot sharing between groupmates)
  • will now have a chance to give loot directly to participants that have done at least 1% damage to the boss, including damage from pets or summons (items will go directly to players backpacks)
  • has had its on-corpse loot reduced in lieu of the direct-to-player loot
  • More sources for Veil Shard drops have been added
  • Cost to unlock a Summoner's Tome spell as a result has been increased to 6 (from 4)
  • Summon spells can no longer be cast in town
  • When a Summoner's Tome spell is unlocked, the spell detail page will show the minimum skill required (update the wiki as you discover them!)

More evil mages have appeared in Britannia, summoning creatures from beyond the veil between worlds. Their conjuring ways seem to be learned from an ancient tome whose origins are unknown....

[A new method of unlocking the Summoner's Tome has entered Britannia]

  • Players can only utilize faction rewards from capturing a town if they've been in their faction for at least 7 days
  • Leaderboard rankings will begin fixing themselves - you will enter the leaderboard upon your next faction kill
  • Any player holding a sigil will be shown on the minimap

All Town/Faction Stones have had their states reset again. We believe we have fixed the root cause of the ongoing sigil issues, but ask once more for you all to give it a go! Timers are all once again set at one hour so it will be easy to test. You may still recall with the stone for the moment.

Global messages still need some tweaking.

An item called the Skull of Hallows Eve has been added to the Halloween Candy vendor. This item will allow you to activate the Cove invasion spawn at the Black Gate in North Cove. The spawn requires 6 players total to start it, so you will need 5 other players to be near the spawn with you when trying to activate, only one skull is needed per invasion. There is a 2-hour cooldown between spawns and the encounter needs to be finished within 4 hours or it will deactivate and reset automatically. The spawn will be available until Nov 8th. Looting Rights is now skipped for the ending boss as well.

A Faction store has been added to town stones- usable when your faction controls a town. This store is used to spend your personal silver on items for yourself. Currently two items are for sale, and more will be added soon:

  • War Horse - a new mount that can be transferred/sold to any player, including non-faction players
  • Faction Cloak - a blessed black cloak

Additional sigil capture bugs have been squashed as well. More to come!

After next restart, the Lone Wolf Cloak, Cloak of the Dragon Slayer, and Citizen Cloak should no longer fail constantly upon crafting.

Halloween Mask rares should now (potentially pending a restart) utilize the Mask equip slot instead of Head slot- thus they will be wearable over armor.