• Moat fishing chances have been increased

  • New rares have been added to Dungeon fishing

  • Thieves with GM Lockpicking can now attempt to lockpick containers inside other players backpacks. This action will turn the thief grey and there is a 50% chance to reveal them if hidden.

  • Tinkers can now craft a new item called a Trap Disarmer

  • GM Thieves (snooping & stealing) can use the trap disarmer to attempt to disarm trapped containers in another players backpack. This action will turn the thief grey and also has a 50% chance to detonate the trap. When trapped containers are disarmed it is only for 20 -30 seconds.

  • Trapped containers can no longer be put inside other trapped containers.

General Fixes

  • Corrected the Smoke Bomb crafting recipe to use Iron only, it was not intended to be crafted with other metals
  • Fixed an issue with Halloween bless deed not accepting some Halloween items
  • Fixed an issue with Treasure Map Globes not doing anything when double clicking them & re-added missing Security context option


  • Fixed an issue with boat collision preventing line of sight in some cases for passengers or beings in the water & should also improve being randomly ejected to land while sailing
  • Fixed an issue with SOS shipwrecks not appearing
  • Added recent combat cooldown & criminal travel prevention to using a ship key's right-click option 'Teleport To Ship'
  • You can now target a ship key with the Recall spell to try to travel to the boat
  • Using Recall on a ship key does not incur the same cooldown as using the right-click option, allowing you to travel more frequently in some cases
  • You can now use the Teleport spell to teleport onto boats you have permission to board, as well as NPC ships (keep an eye out for Ghost ships soon!)


  • Reduced the chance for Headless Horseman to spawn on a tameable mount, this was previously higher than intended
  • Added Throwable Pumpkin to the Candy Vendor's buy-back list

Halloween Costumes

  • Added a new Costume feature with over 50 variations of animals & monsters to collect
  • Comes as a blessed bag object with limited charges
  • Using the costume will shapeshift your character into the designated shape, similar to the Polymorph spell
  • Unlike Polymorph, costumes do not make you criminal and attackable by all, so you can wear your costumes and hangout in town safely
  • Costumes can be worn indefinitely throughout the Halloween season but they will fall off if you engage in combat, commit a crime, or die
  • Currently, these can be obtained from pop-up Halloween camps throughout the world

Halloween Additions & Improvements

  • Added new animated mummy, spider webs, spider eggs, torture rack & iron maiden house add-on options to the Headless Horseman Boss loot
  • Added an alternate Headless Horseman Sickle to the boss loot
  • Added Halloween Kilt to the Candy Vendor
  • Added the ability to sell some common Halloween 2022 clothing items to the Halloween Vendors in exchange for 1 Blood Candle or 25 Candy
  • Reduced decay time for invasion spawn mob corpses; corpses will now decay much more quickly to help avoid mass corpse pile-up, make sure to loot quickly!
  • Updated the direct-to-player loot tables damage threshold; previously you would have to do 1% damage to a mob in order to qualify for loot which was capped at 100 damage, going forward it will be explicitly 1% damage with no cap; this is to reduce & discourage abuse with hitting the boss a few times in order to qualify for loot

Golden Apples can now be found within some monsters loot in all dungeons. When you have enough of these apples they can be traded for a magic key at specific merchants within the world.

From time to time you may find a magic chest at your local bank and if you have a magic key you will be able to open it to find special loot.

Halloween Invasions:

  • The Halloween Witch vendor is now available to buy spawn activators from in exchange for blood candles
  • Halloween invasion will be rotated periodically throughout the month to different locations
  • You can use the spawn activator's "Check Spawn Location" option to see where to use it

Skeletal Steeds:

  • Skeletal Horse added which requires no skill to ride, has a chance to be spawned as the Headless Horseman's mount from gravedigging
  • Stronger Skeletal Steed added, matches Nightmare stats & skills, has a chance to be spawned as the Headless Horseman Boss' mount from invasions

More updates to come! Happy Trick or Treating!

An issue with not being able to loot corpses in level 5 Despise has been resolved.

Deer masks can now be crafted! Find antlers from harvesting Great Harts.

Level 5 Despise is now open!

-Deer Masks can now be crafted in game! Try harvesting antlers from Great Harts. -Level 5 Despise is now open!

The Halloween activities are being deployed across Britannia and will be available throughout the month of October!

There will be a Halloween day-of handout & staff-run events as time permits.

Pumpkins & Halloween Gravesites will be randomly scattered across the over-world. Smash the pumpkins and kill the monsters for a chance to get a reward or candy that can be spent at the Halloween Vendors

We're re-using a lot of last year's items and activities, but we've refreshed the prices & appearances of a lot of the items, as well as added several new options. We may continue to add on to the Halloween options throughout the month, stay tuned for future updates.

  • Halloween Vendors:

    • Candy Hoarder Vendor: collect candy by smashing pumpkins and killing Halloween mobs to buy Halloween goodies
      • last year's candy corn can be traded for fresh candy
    • Witch Vendor: collect Blood Candles from smashing pumpkins and killing Halloween mobs to trade for Invasion Spawn activator
    • these vendors will be spawned around cemeteries
  • Halloween Paragons:

    • chance for compatible monsters to spawn as a Halloween Paragon that will have a chance to drop a reward or candy that can be spent at the Candy Vendor
    • Paragons have the highest chance to spawn in the Daily Dungeon, the second-highest chance to spawn in other dungeons, and the third-highest chance to spawn in over-world zones
    • Paragons that spawn in the Daily Dungeon will have a higher chance to drop special items
  • Gravediggers will enjoy chances to obtain more goodies & a chance to spawn the Headless Horseman (even more goodies?)

  • Fishers will enjoy a small chance to find candy as they fish & we will work to add some Fishing related Halloween encounters soon

The Britain moat fishing loot has been updated and Assassins have been slowed down and their numbers lowered.

These patch notes include:

  • Additions
  • Fixes
  • Player Vendors & Pet Brokers
  • World Changes

Known Issue: We're aware of some display issues with some of the new assets and will continue to improve them and resolve issues as they come up


  • Added a new command: /timeto that will let you see how much time is left until a time in the future, for example: /timeto 8pm will tell you how long until 8pm today, or include a date like: /timeto 10/31 to see how long until Halloween; note: this uses the UTC timezone
  • Updated the Treasure Map & SOS map window appearance to use a hand-drawn map to give it more of a cartography appearance & feel


  • Fixed an issue with Ice Fishing not completing but still consuming an Icepick charge
  • Fixed issue with Recall spell/charge not being interrupted when becoming hidden or paralyzed mid-casting in some cases
  • Fixed a decorating issue with the Small Forge & Stone Pentagram, they no longer fly up into the air when you move them around, and they should no longer sink into the ground
  • Fixed an issue with dropping items to the ground that have collision causing intersecting mobs to be moved to a nearby location unintentionally
  • Fixed an issue with being able to drop Backpack Bound objects
  • Fixed a display issue with the Stone Stove/Oven which caused the wooden panel on it to appear textureless & solid white

Player Vendors & Pet Brokers

  • Fixed an issue with vendors in rental properties having their contents packed to a backpack that goes to the floor, now they will be packed up properly and sent to the owner's Account Vault for later retrieval
  • Pet brokers that get packed from rentals will no longer demolish causing the pets to be lost; the pets will now be properly packed into the Account Vault included in the Vendor Contents
  • Fixed an issue with player vendors Decaying stage not activating properly if they are force-ejected from a house or if the house they are in decays
  • As a reminder, vendors that go into the Decay stage will need to have their contents emptied & gold collected before they decay after 7 days, this is to give players a chance to get their items and gold back
  • Fixed an issue with Vendor Upgrades on houses not being honored in some cases

World Changes

  • The Buccaneer's Den Moongate has been retired, it was not originally planned to stay around forever & the Minoc Archway to Buccaneer's Den has been fixed and moved slightly to be out of the way of any houses
  • The Buccaneer's Den Arena is going to be moving to the Arena region where the Duel Pits reside & the Buccs Den Arena island will be re-incorporated into Buccs Den and possibly used for housing and/or treasure hunting
  • Soon, the Britain Sewers are going to be opening up to everyone and we will be refreshing the spawns and including loot on the mobs spawning in there so that new players have another option to use for hunting; the Sewer Entrance may be closed for a short duration while we work on that

General improvements:

  • Fixed an issue with 'phantom collision' being created at your character's position when using the Item Preview option
  • Corrected the display names of the two commodity deeds sale listing on bank vendors to indicate which is blessed
  • Fixed an issue with not being able to lockpick some decorative containers, in towns or dungeons, that are locked and intended to be picked and stolen from

Preparations are being made to expand the remainder of the world for boating and more deep water fishing! This will happen in phases and today we have a part of those changes being deployed.

Deep Water & SOS updates:

  • Fixed an issue with some SOS maps not being fishable in some cases
  • Improved fishing net progress bar to show "Fishing for Treasure" to indicate when you are fishing an SOS spot or regular fishing
  • Improved Treasure Map image marker accuracy & increased the overall window size for better legibility
  • SOS treasures are now enabled for deep water; starting out, about half of the maps will be in a deep water location, but we may transition to 100% deep water maps in the future as we open more water territory for boating
  • Sunken Ships have been updated to a new Shipwreck scene using the new ship model with some nearby floating debris
  • The chance to find MIBs has been greatly reduced for shallow water fishing
  • MIB levels 3, 4 & 5 have been moved to deep water only and they can no longer be obtained from shore
  • Deep water fishing may now yield different, potentially better, results than fishing from shore; expect to see more deep water content as we continue to expand the available water territory
  • Monsters will now traverse to land from water if their combatant is not on the water or is onshore
  • Many water-related monsters will now attempt to traverse into the water if their combatant should board a ship or go into the water

Ship Lockdowns:

  • Large ships now allow locking down and unpacking objects to them, limited to 3 items, no containers allowed

Messenger Bottle:

  • Added a new roleplay item: Messenger Bottle (appears as 'an empty bottle'), which can be purchased from Fishing vendors
  • This can be used to send SOS (save our ship) messages or any message you should wish to write
  • Dropping a Note to it, or double-clicking the bottle and targeting a note will insert the note into the bottle
  • Filled bottles can be double-clicked to be thrown into the water where they will float away and be washed ashore someplace
  • Notes that are discovered on the shore can be picked up freely if close enough with line of sight, or can be fished out with a fishing rod
  • Note: this is just for role-playing purposes and is unrelated to SOS treasure hunting
  • Large ships now allow locking down and unpacking objects to them, limited to 3 items, no containers allowed
  • Fixed an issue causing Chum not to work in some cases
  • Fixed an issue with being able to fish & grab schools of fish

If you still experience any of these please log out and back in to receive the hotfix.

We've identified and resolved an issue with pets causing lag in some cases.

Necromancer Updates:

  • Balance:

    • Cocoon spell: When broken, in addition to the current spell, the player will receive a stats bless.
    • Contagion spell: When broken, in addition to the current spell, the attacker will receive a curse.
  • Resurrect:

    • Using Forensic on a ghost as undead, will now attempt to resurrect. Success is based on Forensic and Spirit Speak skill levels.
  • Death Ward:

    • Death Ward should now do proper criminal action checks upon resurrection.
  • Renounce Undead:

    • To renounce your undead status, now you can go and interact with the Ankh inside Yew Abbey.
  • Souls Collection:

    • Every undead Player can now collect souls regardless of having dealt the killing blow (Including killed by pets/summons).
    • Multiple undead players can collect soul from the same body once.
    • Removed check for Spirit Speak and added to Forensic, souls collection will always succeed at GM Forensic Eval.
  • Grave Dust:

    • Doubled Grave Dust drops from Gravedigging.
    • Increased Grave Dust loot drops from undead creatures.

New Cartography Item:

  • Treasure Maps Globe: Can be crafted with Cartography from a Miniature Globe, this item can store up to 500 undeciphered Treasure Maps.


  • Cocoon spell: Fixed bless, now will match Magery effects but based on Forensic Eval (+11 / 5 min at GM).
  • Contagion spell: Fixed curse, now will reverse bless effects but based on Forensic Eval (-11 / 5 min at GM).

TMaps Globe:

  • Added Line of Sight check.
  • Added Security option for Examine/Retrieve. Anyone can deposit maps.

The old Destard entrance in Yew has been retired. It now leads through the mountains to the other side.

Please update your runes if you haven't for the new Destard entrance in SE Skara Brae!