Hail citizens of Britannia, we hope you're excited to step foot on Verity Isle and check out Moonglow starting at 2:00 PM UTC on June 1st, 2022.

Shortly before then, we will bring the server offline to commence the updates. Moonglow will become available as an option on the Public Moongate as well as the Ferrymaster destinations.

Fireworks will be provided to visitors of Moonglow during the launch day to help celebrate.

Maybe you'll call this place your new home and put your stake in the ground by placing a house there. Check out the Territory Map on our wiki: https://wiki.shardsofbritannia.com/en/housing#moonglow-territory

We will also be hosting a Bazaar at Moonglow's Lycaeum that will allow players to rent vendors in a public space for a period of time, stay tuned for more updates about that coming soon.

See you in Moonglow!

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