Moonglow is now open for business!

Player Vendors

  • Player Vendors & Pet Brokers now have an option called Relocate which will allows owners to pack them to a deed for moving to another house or another location, this option costs 5,000gp
  • House owners now have the ability to upgrade the Vendor Limit from 1 to 2 for a one-time 50,000gp fee, this extra slot can be useful for people who wish to own both a Player Vendor & Pet Broker while keeping the house Private, and it only applies while the house is Private
  • Vendor & storage upgrades to houses will now persist when Relocating a house

Bards & Bands

  • Equipped instruments now have 2 ability buttons: Play Music & Use Last Bard Ability
  • Playing music using this new ability will offer a continuous stream of music, depending on your skills; activating the Play ability again while mid-stream will attempt to gain skills, just like using the instrument does normally (you can still use the instrument like normal to gain)
  • Bards that are playing music can optionally have others listen to them; To listen, right click a bard that is playing music and use Listen To Music
  • Bards that are in a group with each other can play together, get all 3 instruments going for a full band!
  • Note: Only the bamboo flute, lute & drum can be equipped, regular flutes cannot


  • Kindling will now work when inside guarded areas but will be unable to upgrade for camping unless out of town
  • The base fire built from kindling is now a smaller version until it is reinforced via Camping & this smaller fire can be used for cooking


  • The Q & E button slots are now hidden when no abilities are present in them

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