Known Issues List

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29th Dec 2021 knownissue

Some have reported that you cannot bless the Reindeer Mask with a Clothing Bless Deed: Head Slot, this is because the Reindeer Mask fits in the Mask slot and not the Head slot. Sorry for the confusion.

11th Dec 2021 knownissue

Occasionally a visual client bug occurs when using Organize Backpack option where it organizes the items but they continue to appear in the old position inside your backpack. If that happens to you, you can simply pick up the bags to refresh the items and show them in their correct position.

6th Nov 2021 knownissue

Recently some people have reported the long-standing issue of items getting stuck to your cursor. This client issue has been around since the beginning of time sadly. We've reported the issue to Citadel Studios for resolution and are at their mercy to have the root cause fixed.

As a workaround, we've enabled the /itemstuck command to help you get out of this situation. Using the command will check for an item on your cursor and try to move it to the backpack. If it doesn't fit into the backpack, then you will be prompted to move it to your internal pocket that only a Gamemaster can retrieve for you at a later time.

If you log out with an item on the cursor, the item will also attempt to be moved to your backpack, or if it does not fit it will be dropped to the ground.

Please Note: Once this issue starts happening, every item you pickup will become stuck, so it is required to log out in order to resolve it.

9th Sep 2021 knownissue

We're aware that multiple users are having issues with moving around\decorating with the new forge models. At this time there is no solution and it advised to release the forge and place it in it's desired location to avoid issues. You may find after moving it a few times that the /refresh command helps or leaving the immediate area and coming back, it may show the forge at the appropriate location again. Unfortunately this is a side effect of the game engine and not possible for us to resolve at this time.