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22nd Jul 2024 patchnote pinned

Season 4 is Now Live!

We are thrilled to announce that Season 4 is now live! We always appreciate your patience through transitions between events.

For new players who recently started Season 3 and couldn't finish it, we acknowledge this issue and will soon implement measures to ensure seasonal achievements can only be completed within the designated timeframe to avoid any confusion or wasted efforts.

Thanks for being here and for your continued support!

12th Nov 2022 announcement

This is just a reminder about Patron Benefits & Donation features are currently in testing on our Test Center server and all current Patrons have been granted permission to Test Center.

If you haven't yet, please take the time to read over the pinned message in the testing thread and test the new features out:

We hope to have Patron Benefits & Donation features deployed to the live server by the end of the month as long as testing goes well. Thanks to those of you that have been helping so far :)